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2019年8月21日上午10:00 All-optical interrogation of neural circuits in behaving animals

发表日期:2019-08-20 02:13  作者:

报 告 人:Prof. Michael Hausser
报告地点:中国科学院生物物理研究所 9501 会议室
主 持 人:杨艳研究员

Dr. Hausser’s lab is interested in understanding computations in neural circuits of the mammalian brain. To attack this problem they work at the interface between cellular and systems neuroscience: they aim to understand the cellular toolkit that enables single neurons to perform computations, and in turn how single neurons and their patterns of connections contribute to the computations performed by neural circuits. His lab has a special focus on neuronal dendrites, which actively transform synaptic inputs into specific neuronal output patterns. They use the cerebellum and neocortex as model systems, combining in vitro and in vivo imaging and electrophysiology approaches, and taking advantage of a range of high-tech approaches. These include two-photon microscopy, patch-clamp recordings from dendrites, recordings using Neuropixels probes, and most recently the development of ‘all-optical’ approaches for simultaneous readout and manipulation of neurons by combining two-photon imaging and two-photon optogenetic. 
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