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2019年4月10日10时 Constructing the present

发表日期:2019-03-28 09:15  作者:



报告题目:Constructing the present

报告人:Prof. Patrick Cavanagh (Department of Psychology, Glendon College, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College)

邀请人:何生 研究员



How do we know where things are? Recent results indicate that an object’s visual location is constructed at a high level where, critically, an object’s motion is discounted to recover its current location. As a result, we sometimes see a target far from its actual location. One particular target, the double-drift stimulus, develops very large illusory shifts based on an integration time of well over a second, suggesting the involvement of processes with the time course of short term memory. fMRI results show that the illusion does not emerge in the visual cortex but is seen in the frontal lobes, where visual-spatial short-term memory areas would have the temporal integration required to support the effect. In summary, these findings suggest that perception is a function of the frontal lobes, although where or how remains to be understood.



Dr. Cavanagh 是视觉神经科学和知觉研究的领袖,尤其是运动感知,空间视觉,色觉,注意力过程,物体识别以及艺术与大脑功能之间的联系。他对注意的研究为这一活跃的领域开辟了新的方向,并从根本上为评估注意功能的方法做出了贡献。他关于运动改变位置知觉的研究引起了对视觉系统中位置表征的新兴趣。他早期发现了在大小和位置变换时视觉识别的不变性。他描述了颜色和亮度通路中形状的并行分析以及由色彩定义刺激的运动反常减慢。他还在探索阴影,颜色,运动和纹理等各种特征对视觉形式表现的贡献,这些实验使他对艺术作为神经科学数据来源的兴趣,开启了艺术科学分析的新路线。

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